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Get Prepared to Soar - *VIP* LIVE Event (FEB2024)

YOUR Travel Business 2024. 

Not only is it important to assess your travel business each year, but to be able to really work ON your business and plan out the work you want to do to make it a success for YOU is also important.

One thing I know is that you have come this far, doing what you needed to do to get to where you are.

NOW it's time to take action to make sure that 2024 is your best year yet. 

So what does that mean? 

As the bookings start to pick up, (for some it's already flooding in) is what you did last year working for you now or going to work for you this year?  

As it is your own business, you have the choice to either stay the same OR design your travel business filled with the clients you love working with, choosing the destinations and suppliers that support you and you love to sell and make the money that you want moving forward. 

The Get Prepared to Soar Experience is about bringing together your ideas and other like minded Travel Professionals to come up with YOUR unique plan to get noticed, to scale your business in a way that works for you and set the goals to know what you need to work on next. 

You are in a position now more than ever to showcase your talents, plan and prepare to build the travel business you deserve.

I believe in step by step formulas, surrounding myself with awesome positive people, preparing systems and putting things in place that work and do them over and over again. 

In business to succeed, we need a structure, a plan, and often a little nudge to take action. That's where our team and myself at Travel Agent Achievers have your back. 

Marketing and promotions are great, however to have the idea, how do you make it a reality... Especially when you are also doing all the admin, sales, finance, document preparation and operations in running a business?

Being a business owner is tough. I get it and I understand it as I am like you. I have had my own mobile travel business for over 15years. Prior to that I managed global Sales and Marketing teams, budgets, sales and plans in International Education.  My whole career I have been in the Travel, Tourism, Hospitality and Education Industry that I LOVE. 

A business owners life, is like riding a roller coaster or surfing a wave. There are waves of elation and waves of despair. There are no two days the same. 

One thing I have learnt though and continually keep an eye on is marketing and promotion of our business. If we don't have clients or sales, we don't have a business. I am incredibly passionate about taking care of our clients and ensuring that they return to us because of the service and expertise we offer.

To be present in today's market you need to be visible and contactable. You need to be knowledgeable and seen as a trusted source of information. Someone whom provides care and a level of attention to detail that others cannot.

You are a real life person, where a number of online companies can be invisible. You are the authority and you are experienced.

Clients will come to you, because of who you are and what you do for them. 


During this 1 Day Workshop you will focus on: 

Defining WHO are the clients we love to work with. Where are they and how can we ensure we are speaking to them in all our messaging to attract them to our own Travel Businesses. 

SALES - What are your targets for the year, but more importantly how are you going to get there? Breaking it down to see where you can take a break, where you need help and what tasks you need to do to ensure you reach the goals you want to achieve.

MARKETING - What are the activities that you want to do and what your audience wants to see and hear from you? Come up with your unique month by month plan to know exactly what you need to do to remain consistent and also ready to go. Is it Publicity? Social Media? Events? Having the ideas are great, however if you don't put together or take the time to plan something out, you may not achieve the results you desire. ACTION is the final step, which is why working together in collaboration and having a community of like minded people cheering you on is the final piece. 


This day is going to be full of action. You can walk away knowing you have the next steps. You can look at new areas of opportunity and you know you are surrounded by other awesome Travel Professionals all wanting the same thing. 

This day is about you and your business. Planning well and taking massive action. 

You've got this and I am here to ride the journey with you. I can't wait to work with you and set you up for a successful year ahead. 




When: Friday 2nd February 2024 

WHERE: World Square, Sydney, NSW 2000 - Regus Workspace offices

Times Friday 2nd February: 9:00am sharp start until 4:30pm, followed by an afternoon glass of bubbles if you hang around. 

What to bring: Your laptop and charger, a notepad and pen, a positive attitude and dressed in business attire.  

*NOTE* This is a VIP experience with only 10 places available. Why? Because it's important to me to be able to work with you and for a supportive and collaborative environment. We are taking action and getting work done! You will walk away with a plan. 

Lunch will be at your own expense though there are several places available for a quick snack downstairs. 


Email: info@travelagentachievers for any extra enquiries.