Episode 70:
Mastering Public Speaking - whether you are at an event or online with Jaimie Abbott.
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Now that we are coming back together in person in addition to all the 'online' work we have been doing, learning how to communicate effectively and with conviction is a skill we can always use.
Public Speaking as Travel Professionals isn't something we can avoid if we want to grow our business too.
In the travel industry, public speaking is one of the most personal ways to reach new clients and potential customers. In order to maximize this tactic, as Travel Advisors, we may need to make sure that we are as comfortable as possible when delivering a presentation or speaking to our clients, both new and existing.
Jaimie Abbott, our guest for today is an award-winning media professional and international keynote speaker. She has spent two decades in the industry working as a Radio and TV Journalist, Political Media Adviser, Managing Director of her own public speaking and media training company and a Communications Adviser for the Royal Australian Air Force.
In this episode of the Travel Agent Achievers Podcast, Jaimie shares her expertise in public speaking and gives tips on how to deal with the fear of rejection.
Public speaking has its challenges, regardless of how comfortable you are talking to groups of people. With the addition of social media, along with the introduction of new forms of technology in presenters, public speaking has become even more challenging.
As a travel business owner, it is vital to make a personal connection with your clients. Confidence is the key when speaking in front of an audience. Jaimie also encouraged people to simplify their language because people's attention spans are not what they used to be.
For many people, public speaking is a fear and something they would rather avoid than learn how to do well. However, with simple techniques and doing some practice, this fear can be overcome.
Grab all the details and links to Jaimie and her programs and social pages below!
Grab details about Jaimie, her programs and social pages at https://www.jaimieabbott.com.au/about

Link Mentioned in the Episode
Quotes from this Episode
At the end of the day, you can't please everyone. Not everyone's going to like you and you can't focus on that. - Jaimie Abbott
We are doing what we absolutely love in our businesses and for other people and helping other people. But there does come a point where we need to slow down to speed up, we need to take stock of where we are ourselves as humans and our own health.- Roslyn
Look at what our value is, what we are doing, valuing ourselves and our expertise and our knowledge to reach more people or to find an ideal audience that lights us up in our businesses. - Roslyn
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"Mastering Public Speaking - whether you are at an event or online with Jaimie Abbott"
Ros: Hi, everybody. Welcome back to the Travel Agent Achievers podcast, which is where we discuss with our experts and also have our beautiful solo sessions with myself Roslyn on all the areas of business that will help you for your future success.
Now, today, in this day and age, there are so many different things that we can do in business and particularly running a travel business. So we're really zeroing in on and honing in on something very important. That is a skill we all need to have.
Today we are talking about public speaking. Now this is a topic that often scares travel advisors off and I see it time and time again, in the travel and tourism industry. There are so many people that I know many fellow colleagues that are amazing at what they do. Yet they're afraid to use their voice to attract their ideal clients, to increase their presence in the business world, and often won't put themselves out there. So I wanted to help change that and bring in a beautiful friend and public speaking expert, Jaimie Abbott. Hi Jaimie.
Jaimie: Hi Ros.
Ros:Let me just finish your bio there, my friends.
Jaimie: I am so excited.
Ros: You are so excited. Alright, so Jaimie is an award winning Public Speaker and Emcee who regularly works with some of the biggest companies around the world, giving inspirational and entertaining presentations as well as hosting workshops, events and conferences. She has spent over two decades in the media industry here in Australia, working as a radio and TV journalist, a political media advisor, local government counselor, and managing director of own public speaking and media training company.
Now in addition to that, she's also a communications adviser for the Royal Australian Air Force. In 2011, Jaimie was deployed to Afghanistan, where she worked as the chief media trainer in Kabul for six months for headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force. In this role, she trained over 100 General Officers from all over the world on how to master media interviews, and was an international media spokesperson herself.
Jaimie is not only incredible at what she does in the public speaking in the media industries, and having a very diverse travel background as well. But she is also a mother of two gorgeous boys. She's a fellow business owner, a true legend and somebody who I was very fortunate to spend a wonderful week in Hawaii with recently.
Jaimie, welcome to the Travel Agent Achievers podcast. Thank you for being so open and sharing your amazing skills and knowledge with us. I am so glad that you are here. Especially so early on a Saturday morning, a little hungover.
Jaimie: That was meant to be between us or us. Oh, okay. That's a gay. No, I went to a gene making class last night and it was so amazing. And I'm a little worse for wear this morning, but could not miss the opportunity to be here with you.
Ros: Thank you so much. Now I honestly think that this is where some of our best work also comes out. I know for me. We, sometimes on a Friday afternoon even if I'm thinking about social media or I just can't find the words, having a glass of wine. That's actually okay. The creativity is backed.
Jaimie: That's not one of my official piece of advice about alcohol before you Speak. But for some people, it does help. You are right and it just makes you slow down. And some for some people, the creative juices are flowing through their mind that way. So whatever works.
Ros: Now before we even get into your background, so the alcohol can either bring you up or bring you down, I get there. And now that we're on that path. One thing that I've heard you say recently, though, is that you shouldn't be drinking milk before you speak. It is like a real thing.
Jaimie: It is. And I'm actually not even following my own advice. I brought a coffee.
Ros: Drinking coffee. Yeah.
Jaimie: Do you know I grew up singing. I was a performer all through my childhood and teens. I was in Johnny young talent school. We used to.
Ros: Oh, my God! I so badly wanted to be on young talent time. So I didn't I wasn't that be.
Jaimie: I just wasn't a Newcastle version. It's really never a TV show or anything. But I loved performing. And that was just something I picked up and it was universally known don't have any milk before you get up and sing. So I guess I've just carried that across. I've noticed if I do have a cappuccino before I jump up on stage. Yeah, I'm a little less clear and a little sort of lump in the throat. So yeah, definitely recommend trying to avoid the milk before you are doing seeing a massive keynote speech on stage.
Ros: Wow. So I did not know this. And I'm going into a very heavy month of public speaking this month, myself. I would normally have a coffee in the morning. You know, before I start something, do you just suggest then I just go the long black or short or something?
Jaimie: Yeah, just less milk.
Ros: Okay. Not the cappuccino. All right.
Jaimie:Just see if you notice the difference, or maybe at least an hour. Don't just have it right before you go on stage. Oh, no. That's the main thing.
Ros: Yeah. Okay. Well, that's a really good tip to have. The other one that I also use when, especially when I'm speaking for a long period of time is having something like a hot lemon, or something next to me . It's just my preference.
Jaimie: Yes, Nothing like Mariah Carey, the big Divas of the world. They say hot sort of warm water with a bit of lemon and honey. Absolutely. And so when you've got a sore throat, that's a really great sort of remedy. So yeah, I definitely would recommend doing that. For sure. Awesome.
Ros: Great. I'm just going to feel as though I'm Mariah Carey, now walking around like a diva. That's it. You heard it here. Everybody. If you see me with what looks like a coffee mug. It's really just hot lemon and water. And I'm feeling like a diva. Great.
Jaimie:Of course. Depending on what time of day it is.
Ros:That is true. So Jaimie, I mean, absolutely welcome.I'm so glad that you're here. Can you just explain a little bit more about your background? And how public speaking has become your thing?
Jaimie: Yeah, for sure. So I think you mentioned in my bio, I've got a background in the media. So I spent years and years as a TV and radio journalist. As a journalist asking people questions I saw so often people really struggled to get their message across. For me, I thought I would just love to just give you a few tips. And you would try and coach them in the moment. But every time I would do an interview where someone was struggling, I would kind of write it all down. And I thought one day, I'm going to set up a company teaching people what not to do and what to do. Then in the world of politics, I was always on stage doing political debates, community events, live TV, national interviews, and sometimes I would really succeed, and other times, I wouldn't quite hit the mark. Then every time I would sort of think, “Oh, I didn't really master my message there”. I would battle up all those lessons learned.
I really have had a lot of experience on camera myself making those mistakes, as well as in Afghanistan, where I was teaching people how to master media interviews, and I've just got so many troubleshooting tips from 20 years of experience behind the camera and in front of the camera.
So about nine years ago, I set up my company on the side as a side hustle, just teaching people how to master their public speaking and their media interviews. I absolutely love it. Because there's no one I can't train. You can give me the most overconfident, egotistical CEO who really needs to tone it down a bit and I can fix that and you can give me the most and commonly who I work with a shy people or they appear confident but inside they're trembling and they're really really nervous. I can sort of get those nerves and fears out of them and give them tips to avoid feeling that way. And that's pretty much what I do and I've recently taken it a step further and showing people how to get paid to speak. Because the paid speaking opportunities are really endless in Australia.
Ros: I find it really interesting, because the Australian market is very different to others around the world in everything that we do. I know that you've got international experience as well as Australian experience. But does that mean that you're saying that there are more opportunities to speak here, now?
Jaimie: Yeah, absolutely. I'm not sure if it's now more than ever, but I only really found out about this in the last 12 months. It's a really cool story because I was doing speaking gigs. I'm sure many people listening today do the odd speaking gig. Sometimes you might even charge a couple of 100, maybe a couple of 1000. Other times, you'll do it for free. Last year, so 2021. In December, I was asked to speak on stage for a full day for a leadership event. I literally had no time to do it. It was coming up to Christmas, and we had the council elections and my other half was running in the elections in New South Wales and two little kids, it was hectic as December is.
They came through and said, Can you give us a quote, and I had no time. I didn't even have an hour spare. So what I did was I quoted the client $30,000. Just knowing they would say no, knowing it was just out of a ridiculous rate up until that point, I probably would have normally charged a couple of 1000. It took 45 minutes for them to accept the quote, and they accepted it. Yeah, $30,000 for one day,
Ros: You pulled an all-night, then I'm guessing.
Jaimie: I certainly made it happen. I moved some things around. But it was a really great moment for me because I realized I had been under charging for all these years. And be I'd been telling everyone else to under charge. So from that moment on, I thought, well, from now on, I'm not doing anything personally for less than 10,000. Or if I am doing it for less than that I want to pitch my course or my services or my academy or whatever I was, you know, pitching at the time. So from that moment on, that's pretty much what I've done. I've created a course to show other people how much to charge, how to find speaking gigs, how to pitch.
I find particularly women, I know you have everyone listening, but particularly women, we do tend to undersell ourselves a lot.I'm really passionate about that. Because you know, as women and as anyone, especially when you're a parent, you make so many sacrifices, you make so many lessons learned over the years. You troubleshoot, you put in so much of your time learning along the way. You've got all that knowledge in your head, don't give it away for free and too often people do that. There are people who are willing to pay big bucks to hear you speak no matter what your industry is. The travel industry is a hot sort of speaking topic at the moment. People will pay to hear you speak or they'll give you the opportunity to pitch whatever you're selling, even if it's just selling your travel agency, they will give you that opportunity in exchange for speaking for free and selling from the stage.
Ros: Yeah, I think that even just saying that has opened the eyes and the events to a number of people listening today, because there's travel advisors, one thing that I see time and time again, I have for many, many years is valuing yourself. As travel advisors, we are the experts in exactly what we do now more than ever coming through such a turbulent couple of years, the skills, the expertise, the knowledge, the training, how things can happen really quickly in this industry. Yet as a Travel Advisor, as an expert, we know what needs to be done and that is very different to just somebody coming off the street and booking their own trip. Like it's very different.
But what I see for the travel advisors is the fear of actually putting themselves out there and putting ourselves out there and saying, Yes, I can talk on this topic. One thing that we have done in the past that hasn't been what would I say? Well, it's not. I wouldn't say that it is considered as public speaking, because it's just very natural to travel advisors to even put on an event. So to put on an event with a supplier, for instance. So let's say you've got a cruise company that wants to promote their products. As a Travel Advisor, we bring our clients together, we bring the community together and say, “Hey, we're talking about this amazing travel experience, come along, our travel advisors will get up and actually speak and welcome everybody”.
I would consider that as public speaking. Very natural, but a lot of advisors wouldn't even think that's a thing. It's like, oh no, we're just here to support the supplier or somebody else, but I think what you're saying there, it is a beautiful skill to have. But there are many opportunities in order to use it in your business and your day to day life. You can do so much with it. And advisors, we can.
Jaimie: Yeah, absolutely, you've kind of just really give me an idea to so people like myself who are not a travel agent, I am genuinely interested in the story of what it's been like for a travel agent, the last couple of years. I have talked to you recently about this in Hawaii. I personally was fascinated, because you hear all these different perspectives about COVID. What that was like, and everyone thinks about it from their own point of view. But to hear what it was like for travel agents, when you've said some companies have taken years to give refunds and how the world just stopped. And then building on that there is another opportunity there for a real keynote for travel agents to talk about the future, the future of travel and what's going to happen. Because if you can kind of provide a crystal ball in any industry, and give audiences some sort of inkling into the future. People love that. They love predictions.If you're an expert, predicting what the three years is going to be like for international travel, or in Australia for domestic travel, any sort of inkling people will pay to hear you talk about that.
Ros: Wow, that's fascinating. But I think that's how you would say this, I'm sure you do across business owners that we're so invested in the business and working in the business that even he you say that that for me is like taking a step out? And looking at things from a different angle and going oh, yes, I could see what can potentially happen. I can see the value of travel advisors, I can see this from my own experience and as business owners. So do you see that as well? Is that it sounds like that's one of your incredible intuitive skills that you have Jaimie to be able to look at things from an outside perspective. Oh, my God, you could talk about that.
Jaimie: Absolutely. So two things about that. I think, firstly, a lot of people have forgotten about using a travel agent. So the world's just open even myself, the world just opened up again, I just booked some flights to Palm Springs. It didn't even occur to me, because I'm out of the habit of using travel agents, because I haven't for the last couple of years. And then I'm like, oh, yeah, I should use a travel agent. So just putting yourself out there and reminding people about basic travel agency 101, what a travel agent does, what the advantages are of using a travel agent that's really, really important. And don't underestimate that.
Secondly, what travel agents do, you might see as just boring running the meals standard day in the life or this is what we do, the average person is genuinely interested in what you do. I spoke to some real estate agents a couple of days ago. And I said show the behind the scenes stuff, show that on hold, you know for a travel agent on hold waiting to that cruise company or the airline or hotel, you're the one on hold the clients not having to do that do a day in the life or behind the scenes. Now we're doing this and just narrated raw, rough, people love that behind the scenes stuff. Then as a speaker, if you can provide some sort of inkling or an insight into what it's like for the travel industry, and then flip it around to the audience what's in it for them what this means for them for their future and for their lifestyles, their budgets, or there's so many different subtopics there. Don't underestimate the human interest factor in that. People lap it up, and they really want an insight into your world.
Ros: Yeah, see, I love these words fascinate. You have the most incredible vocabulary. I love this because it isn't something that we would even think of behind the scenes, what we do on a day to day basis, and the genuine interest that public has, which is great. So when it comes to public speaking, what do you see as some of the ways like for me, I look at it and go, Yeah, that could be even just putting together a video or going live on social media or sharing your message with your ideal clients? What are some of the fears that come up? Or that you see time and time again? And how do we overcome those?
Jaimie: Yeah, I mean, there's so many common ones that I probably could fit them into just a couple of categories as to why people get nervous. The number one reason is fear of rejection, you know what they are going to think about me? They're going to think this, they're going to think that. At the end of the day, you can't please everyone. Not everyone's going to like you and you can't focus on that. I know it's easier said than done. But I personally, have learned when I go to an event, I have a job to do so my job is to educate, inspire and motivate my audience. There might be five people who don't gel with me or, don't learn anything new or think they know it all. They just don't, they're not. You're not going to be liked by 100% of the audience. But for the rest of the people, they're taken aback, and they're uninspired. They're super motivated. And that's what you need to focus on.
Also, rehearsing people often think they're going to forget their lines they're going to have, they're going to lose their train of thought and just be standing up there, like a deer in headlights. So what I encourage people to do is to imagine the worst that can happen. What is the worst, and let's troubleshoot that. So whether it means having some notes on a lectern, having some slides that will prompt you having even just a little line, such as I just lost my train of thought I was going to say something then, but if I remember it, I'll come back to it. In the meantime, let's move on. You've just got that as a filler. Then it's not awkward for the audience or anything like that. So whatever works for you, some people like to have their entire speech written out and on the lectern. Some people like the Audience lights to be dimmed, to have a clicker. There's like a little lapel microphone. I hate that because I feel very vulnerable that I can't turn it off.
I've seen too often the lapel microphone, dying on stage and some technician having to run up and fix it. And I don't like the idea of that. So I like a handheld mic. I like a lectern with some dot points on the side, rehearsing as well. So don't underestimate the power of rehearsing. I have really experienced CEO clients who have done 1000s of media interviews, 1000s of keynote speeches, 1000s of events, where they've had people rallying against them, if it's like a local coal mining company or something like that, and they still rehearse, they will rehearse the night before they'll record themselves and play it back and really analyze their body language, their pitch, their tone, all those sorts of things, and then memorize their speech in some ways. I don't encourage people to memorize word for word, but I do encourage people to memorize that first 60 seconds. Because often when you just got that first minute out, you're relaxed, and then the rest of it flows is just that first opening couple of lines that people get very nervous about. And then once they get going, it's often quite fine.
Ros: Would you say that that's also true for like, doing a live or having a smaller event with people around like to be rehearsing and practicing those sorts of things before you even hit record?
Jaimie: Yeah, that's a really great question. Because Lives are really interesting. I have a lot of people, including myself, who have done millions of public speaking situations in front of 1000s of people in front of national TV audiences, but put me in front of an Instagram Live and I was a couple of months ago, super nervous about that. I have the same with a lot of clients, they are amazing public speakers, but when you think it live on Instagram, I could never do that. I've got a lot of really amazing speakers, clients who are in that boat.
So with that, I don't necessarily think you need to rehearse. I think you just need to do it, just practice going live. Then delete it afterwards. Because you know, one or two people might tune in because you're not giving anyone a heads up, just go through the motions of actually going Live and realizing it's not as scary as what you think.
But what I do recommend is that you come up with just maybe three, probably maximum five, but I would say three as a general rule, key messages that you're going to stick to and it's going to be the theme of your presentation. And Ros this is actually advice that I give people, whether they're doing an hour keynote, or even a one minute or a couple of minutes, sort of video for social media, you don't want to have any more than three messages, because the audience won't remember anything more than that.
In fact, they'll usually only remember one message, one takeaway, and if you're a speaker at a conference, there are many speakers. You know, when you get to the end of the day, and you think I can't even remember what Jaimie spoke about. She was the first speaker of the day. So leave your audience with no choice but just have some really clear a main call to action, a main message that you're all about, and then maybe two or three so followed up with message to message three anything more than that, and I'll just get lost on your audience.
Ros: Oh, wow. Okay, so you've just thrown a complete spanner in the works here because I think as travel advisors and I see this time and time again, we give everything and including the kitchen sink. Right, even emails are very detailed because we feel as though the clients need to know everything that is going on right down to their luggage allowance. But from a speaking point of view, or even delivering a Facebook Live or an Instagram Live or putting together a video on putting it up on YouTube or speaking in front of an audience, I feel like that there's, you need to give more. But that's not true.
Jaimie: No, like, it's often a juggle for a lot of people. I have lawyers and doctors who will be speaking at a conference. They get to me to rehearse, they've got 10 messages. I'll say to them, and plus it's using big words, acronyms, they just assume the audience is going to know that as well. I definitely encourage people to simplify their language because people's attention spans are not what they used to be. People are thinking about what they're doing that night or on the weekend. They're not even 100% tuned in.
So if you give them overcomplicated language acronyms, they'll tune out. But yeah, the message then the number of messages, any amazing speaker, you listen to them, and the professional speakers, they won't have any more than three. Often, they'll have one overwhelming message. I saw Chris Helder, Speaker a couple of years ago at a business blueprint. And the one thing I remember from his presentation was all about useful beliefs. Yeah, that was it. I remember anything else, he said, he kept coming back to that. He's a professional speaker, it's a great example to use. At the end of it, you get to the end of the business blueprint conference, and you think, Oh, I can't remember what all these speakers spoke about that with him.
It was useful beliefs, useful beliefs. And he kept having that anchor throughout his keynote, bringing it back to useful beliefs. So it leaves the audience with no choice, but to know what your call to action is. So for travel agents, pick your number one. So think when people leave my presentation, what's the one thing I want them to remember, you may look at my name, and they associate my my keynote with, and it's the same we're doing media interviews to, you're not going to appear on the TV that night with any more absolute maximum three times quite often for Metro news is only once. So I say to clients, just give them the one overwhelming message and keep coming back to that. Because otherwise, you'll be disappointed if you people might say A, B and C and then they go, Oh, why don't they use that grab? Well, that soundbite I said so many other amazing things. And so my response is always well don't even go there. So whether you're doing a media interview, whether you're on stage, whether you're doing an Instagram Live, don't overcomplicate it, one main message, and then maximum three main messages overall.
Ros: Okay. Pair it back, people.
Jaimie: Keep it simple.
Ros: Really. Yeah, bring it right back. For me, this is a great lesson. So thank you so much, Jaimie, I needed to hear that for myself. So you obviously knew that this morning. That's what I needed to hear. So thank you. Public speaking has been your thing for many, many years, as well as your singing background. Like it's fascinating to hear the things that you have actually done in your career. How are you juggling now? So many different things. So we touched briefly on your work with the Royal Australian Air Force, you traveled to Afghanistan, you have your own business to get paid to speak and you know, your own speaking stuff? Plus, you also have family and a number of other things on the boil hearing about your political background as well. How are you juggling all of these things to find the time for you?
Jaimie: Yeah, it's a great question and a timely question, because in Hawaii, we went on a retreat. I did a lot of self reflection. I now realize that I have been running on adrenaline because I do love what I do. I love and someone asked me a couple of days ago, my hairdresser said if you won lotto tonight, would you still do your business and 100%? Yes, yeah. Yeah, that's a really great place to be in. It is, but I think I've been running on adrenaline. I have been juggling so many things and making hey in all different areas. There was one point in my life where I was doing it a couple years ago. I did a master's on MBA, I had a brand new baby plus a toddler. In the middle of the pandemic, I was on council. I was working in the RAF. I had my business. Yeah, I mean, it's always been this intense pace, because I just love life, and I just want to cram so much in.
But in Hawaii, I did do a bit of self reflection. So it's really timely that you asked this question and I think I would, I am heading for burnout at this point in time. So I feel grateful to realize that before I am, I genuinely don't think I'm there yet. But I can see why if I keep going at this pace that I would head for potentially, I think someone in our conference did adrenal failure or burnout and sadly less time spent with my kids, whereas right now, I'm just kind of juggling it all. Like a duck on the surface, everything's calm. But that's because I love it. It's frantic. I just love getting new clients. I love the course that I'm doing. But I think I need to slow down to speed up, I think I need to just cut some things back, even if that means turning away some clients who I love, who take up a lot of time because you're going into their business and spending all day there.
As you know, sometimes you're doing that once a month, once a fortnight, and it's taking up time. So I think I need to say no to a few things from now on. I've really learned that I think just in the nick of time before it's too late. I'm 40 now and so yeah, I think I just need to work smarter and the course is a great way to do that. I think I had a course launch in June pay to speak, and did really well out of that. There's so many people on the waitlist now. Because the results people are getting from the June course that you know, the next week, some of them got a $5,000 speaking gig straightaway, just using the techniques that I teach in the course. I think that's really where I want to be. I find that so rewarding to teach people that and to see people get these paid speaking gigs and importantly, get paid what they're worth. That's really where I want to go and spend my time and energy moving forward.
Ros: Yeah, I love that. And just hearing you be so open and vulnerable with it. It's actually a topic that I have done a recent podcast episode on as well talking about the brain fog. You know, as in Hawaii together, I was thinking I couldn't find the words, to speak a lot of the time, or trying to get the messages in my own head clearly through the voice out and overthinking things, and tired. There's a lot of stuff that goes on and eight. I really feel for travel advisors at the moment that are trying to do everything, and have been doing everything over the last few years that this is a really timely message to step back.
Think of all the things that you are doing and what can you say no to? Where do you need to value yourself? I love that we're having this conversation as well, Jaimie with regards to public speaking but also as humans, that we can't be doing everything. We are doing what we absolutely love in our businesses and for other people and helping other people. But there does come a point where we need to slow down to speed up, we need to take stock of where we are ourselves as humans and our own health.
look at what our value is, what are we doing, valuing ourselves and our expertise and our knowledge to reach more people or to find an ideal audience that lights us up in our businesses. So whether you are looking to go and speak and put on presentations and events, get more confidence around yourself to put yourself out there. This is a really, really conversation. I think it's so important for travel advisors wherever you are in the world. I encourage you to follow Jaimie on social media. Not only is she hilarious, but she gives a lot of information and tips. Not even gonna go there Jaimie.
Jaimie: It was nice not being involved in politics anymore, because I can just totally be myself and not have to worry about the perception or anything like that. I love it. I really love just being my authentic self. Not that I was someone I wasn't, I just held back a bit more when I was in politics. I was a local councilor and I thought I couldn't. I couldn't just say what I wanted without having to think about it. Now I don't, I just say whatever.
Ros: This is me, take it away. I love that. It's very refreshing. But there are times that you have had to like in your career, you've had to keep it together. I bet as a journalist as well, you couldn't actually say what you wanted to say a number of times interview actually.
Jaimie:Yeah. I'm glad that when I was a journalist, though, I was still working out my way in the world. I didn't really have any strong opinions. So I was just gathering information. You know, I was in my early 20s. I was 19 when I started working casually today tonight, and I was 20 when I got my first job at two GB radio. I didn't really have a political stands then. And I was just gathering info interviewing all sides and making up my own mind. So I feel really fortunate to be a journalist and genuinely not have any bias at all.
It wasn't until I spent years working as a journalist and doing the research and presenting the different news stories that I kind of leaned a particular way but not like strongly either, you know as an independent counsel or on Port Stephens counsel for four and a half years. And that was great, a great experience, Counsel Rhodes. It was a really great way of getting in touch with my community.
I did a lot of self development over that time. But yeah, just back to your point, though, about travel agents and that timely information I can understand because you guys have done it so tough the last couple of years, I can totally understand now that the clients are coming back, it's hard to say no to money, it's hard to say no to bookings, where you're getting commissions. Then I don't want to say no to money. I really imagine that struggle. But you really can't do it all. I think people probably need to be a bit more strategic moving forward, it's easy for me to say because I haven't experienced that. It's that toughness that you guys probably did for two years, and just no warning came to a halt. And now it's really picked up. So I can just imagine for a lot of travel agents, that would be hard.
I know a few who are just really working themselves to the ground at the moment and working seven days a week can't get back to voicemails of clients. Yeah, there kind of has to be a point though, because you don't want to get burnt out where you think I'm going to have to say no to some of these easy leads, like we call it low priority tasks. They'd be more strategic about it. But I'm sure it's a real challenge for a lot of your listeners.
Ros: Yeah, big challenge right now. You do so many things. I've seen that and I've learned that about you and like we've even discussed today. Your passion though, your wonderment that I see in you, it's such a beautiful gift. Like even just hearing you say now that you didn't have the bias as a journalist and you just told the story and you know, strong opinions.
But I recently did a podcast episode on what's important for me when it comes to travel. One of the things that I actually mentioned was about you, and how when you and I were in Hawaii together, your face just lit up, the wonderment, the excitement, the genuine interest and the fascination like using that word that fascinated how you are genuinely.
You are fascinated by all things in life. Now that is a beautiful gift to have. It was like opening my own eyes to travel again, my own eyes to having fun, and the excitement and the passion like I felt as though things have just been so heavy that to see that in you just sparked something beautiful in me as well. So I just wanted to say thank you for that fascination and I said it to you over there I was just to watch your face. The wonderment and the excitement and the expression all come up. It was like seeing a child go to Disneyland every single day.
Jaimie: Pretty exciting moments though we had an open door helicopter remember it was really fun.
Ros: I will share some photos when this podcast episode goes live. I'm going to share some photos of us in helicopters and open doors and just how the hair went wild and the face.
Jaimie:The eyelash extensions got ripped off. I came back with no eyelash. My eyelash said it's only been two weeks since you had your last infill where they all go. They literally ripped off in the helicopter, not eyelash extension friendly.
Ros: So there you go. There's a hot tip anybody that is any clients to Hawaii and going on an open door helicopter just you know tell them about the eyelash extensions and be aware. I found that with hair clips and you know elastic bands and things they were going everywhere you kind of had the cute look going on but then getting up into the air. No, it didn't happen. But can you just share what's one thing that you love about travel?
Jaimie: Oh gosh, you just can immerse yourself in a different world. I love travels so much. You feel anonymous when you're traveling and you just kind of look at it all from an out of body experience in a way no one's judging you no one knows who you are. You just really can immerse yourself in the culture and experience things. I would absolutely love it if I had my way. In fact next year I just would love to go travel Australia with my boys in a caravan. That's the plan. I just love meeting new people, experiencing culture and new food. You know all the things we love the obvious things I love flying to. I love the experience of flying especially when you get upgraded to business class. That's amazing.
Ros: Yes. You do have that experience. Talking about flying. So in the Royal Australian Air Force and your role there as well with helping around the media. Is that right? Public Affairs?
Jaimie: Yeah, public affairs.
Ros:So this is also one extra thing that you do and you can be called at any time and to go to a number of different places. We spoke about the aircraft that you fly on you like Ross, it's so uncomfortable at times, you know. Last one on the plane, I got the worst seat. It's every man for himself. You've been able to travel a lot where some of the places that you've been as part of the Royal Australian Air Force.
Jaimie: Yeah. So all over the world. I think the minute I joined about sent to Malaysia, I've done three trips to Malaysia. I've gone to the Philippines, Guam, Guam was amazing. Wow. I didn't even know. I didn't even know where it was. It's like a territory in the States. The best scuba diving I've ever done. I literally got my scuba license before I went. I went to Alaska as well. So anchorage in Alaska, Toronto in Canada. I spent six weeks in Hawaii for an exercise the last time I was in Hawaii before this time, for our retreat was for an exercise as well.
Then all over Australia. I had never even been to Darwin before I joined the Air Force. Since 2007, I joined so yeah, long time ago, and I'd never been to Darwin. I was going couple of times a year. I flew to Exmouth so domestically Learmonth, actually, it's called ref based Learmonth, which is Exmouth and went swimming with whale sharks. That was incredible. So yeah, it wasn't just always overseas experiences. But then, of course, Afghanistan as well. I spent six months there in the capital city of Kabul in 2011.
Ros: During the war as well, like that was. This is a no joke thing. Like we can get excited about traveling and scuba diving like Guam. Yes, absolutely. And a lot of the places that you've been, but as part of your role, it's serious stuff, too.
Jaimie: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm a reservists. So there's an element of opting into stuff. I really certainly wanted to deploy. So when I went in 2011, the war had been going for 10 years. I'm really proud of my small commitment. Obviously, I wasn't on the frontline fighting. I was on a military base, which I didn't really leave the base very often, I would go around and travel, do some media training. But mostly I was in the confines of this base, which we had taught security as well. I'm really proud of what I saw and what I was able to contribute there. We organized an Afghan women's soccer team match. I went out to some of the local orphanages as well, I saw women, I first hand saw women getting access to education programs, so they could educate their own children, I saw access to health care that they never got prior to that. So at that time that I was there, I know it's very different now.
But I saw some really incredible work and some of the local people being so grateful for our contribution there. I also saw a lot of sad things as well. But all I can do is just focus on the small contribution that I and the team are able to make. I was in the media team. We had international press conferences every single week, we had sometimes over 100 media, Afghan Media local, like the local Afghan Media and international media. I was helping the spokespersons feel confident in that intimidating press conference environment and help them communicate some of the work that we were doing, whether it be something tragic to report or something really positive to report in what was really a communication war as well. And yeah, it was great experience. I am proud of that contribution at that time.
Ros: Yeah. Well, I love that you have been able to and had the opportunity to explore this incredible planet that we live on culturally, the food, the experiences, we are very privileged to be able to do that. But also to be able to share your experiences well now with other people. And that is something that as travel advisors, that's at our core, we love that we love being able to curate and share that experience with other people. So thank you for sharing your experience. I can't wait to hear more about that over the time that you and I get to hang out together as well.
But before we finish up, I just wanted to, you know, ask if you would be open to and I throw you on the spot here. Let's have a chat again, if you're open to it about networking, because I think that that's something that as advisors we really want to do but are nervous about it and you know, getting out there and talking to different people, especially right now when travel is bouncing back. But I think it's about working with the right people. So if you're open to that, I'd love to have another chat with you around that.
Jaimie: Absolutely. I love that topic. I love networking, in partnerships, and Marketing, Social media as well. That's another passionate area I love to talk about. So I will definitely take you up on that offer as it'll be great.
Ros: Awesome. All right now Jaimie, I know you've got your course opening again soon. So if people do want to learn more about public speaking and getting yourself out there and improve your skills, your knowledge and your expertise in that area, how do people find you?
Jaimie: They can just go to paidtospeak.com.au and they can join the waitlist for my course. If they do join the waitlist and they join the course when just before doors open on the eighth of November, they get a bonus one on one with me. They are thrown in if they joined from the waitlist and super excited because the results people are getting from the course are just incredible. I'm really proud of that and I can't wait to take the next intake through you get 12 month access to the course as well. You get a group coaching session with me but you'll also get that one on one session if you join from the waitlist so paidtospeak.com.au.
Ros: Amazing and if people want to follow you on social media these days and you can also go to your website we will have all the details in the show notes for you. Where do you hang out most on social media though Jaimie?
Jaimie: At the moment, Instagram it's so funny. Like this time last year I was not even using Instagram I used to just use it as a filter editing and then I would save the photo and post to Facebook. Then even a couple of months ago I would have told you LinkedIn was where I was mostly at but Instagram is where you can get me on DM so just at Jaimie Abbott. So I'm most likely there all the time I'm recording. You can get my tips all the time almost every day on posting reels just got a public speaking tip on it or a paid to speak tip so definitely check me out on there.
Ros: Fantastic. Thank you so much Jaimie for being with us here today. I really appreciate your time, your knowledge, your expertise and sharing with us you know about your experience as well. So for the Travel Agent Achievers community, make sure you check out Jaimie at paidtospeak.com.au
We will have all the details in the show notes including where you can find her on social media websites, her downloads and resources. She's got a fantastic ebook as well. So if you sign up for the waitlist for her course, you'll get a very special offer there as well. Make sure you grab it because it is golden. Thank you Jaimie for being here with us today. I sincerely appreciate you and I can't wait to talk to you again.
Jaimie: Likewise, thanks so much Ros, have a great day.